Monday, March 10, 2014

There Will Be Blood Response

The relationship between H.W and Daniel throughout the film inevitably evolves, however the director of the film displays Daniel's immense emotional bond to H.W that never leaves no matter what happens or even as H.W grows up. The root of everything is the bond Daniel feels to H.W. In the beginning of the film, obviously Daniel finds H.W and begins to raise him. From that point on, he treated him like a son. When H.W hit his head while working on the oil derrick, us watching the film can see the emotion in Daniel's eyes when he ran over to see if H.W was ok. You can tell how much he cares and how he would do anything for him, rightfully so. However, Daniel acts more emotionally connected to H.W then your average parent. When he finds out that H.W is deaf from hitting his head, he then begun to beat up Eli in the mud, anger driven by him being upset about H.W. Although Daniel isn't the most "sympathetic" or "outwardly emotional" man, with his dry sense of humor, he still shows emotion by his actions. I can feel Daniel's passion while watching him interact and the way he feels about things, which doesn't have to be al sappy and graphic in order to get a sense of his feelings. However, lastly, in the scene where H.W tells Daniel that he will be leaving with his wife to go to Mexico, Daniel reacts in a very angry and over sensitive way, yet keeping a firm tone. He takes it personally and feels like H.W is leaving him and Daniel begins to say things that I know he doesn't mean. Even though there is a sudden switch in the film and we kind of see them turn against each other, you can still see the drive of their bond and that Daniel is reacting that way because he cares for H.W and wants him around. Instead of him reacting in a sensitive way, he reacts in a sarcastic, angry way in order to show his true feelings. Overall, in the film, H.W and Daniel's relationship grows as time goes on with Daniel's drive of the care he has for his son throughout.


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  2. I agree Veronica. Although at the very beginning of the movie when Daniel "adopts" HW in order to use him in business plans, I feel that he made a deep connection with his "son." However, I feel that Daniel was always going to put the importance of the business in front of the importance of HW. When Henry comes and HW starts acting up, Daniel sends him away. And only until Henry is gone and Daniel needs a business partner does HW come back. At the end, when the two split, I feel that Daniel's initial emotion is deep sadness, but that quickly turns to anger when he realizes that his business will suffer because of HW's leaving.

  3. I agree Veronica; Daniel only wants whats best for HW, but sometimes his personality and his thrive for wealth and money can make it seem like a crazy father. He took on the challenge of raising HW, and he tries his best to raise him like his own. However, in the end I think we can all attest to the fact that his corruption lead him to disaster. In one of the final scenes, where HW tells Daniel that him and his wife are going to Mexico, we really see the disaster take place. Although Daniel tried to raise HW like his own, his greed and anger took over him as a person and as a father.
