Monday, March 24, 2014


Alfred Hitchcock's, Psycho, a 1960 suspenseful, gruesome film starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin and Janet Leigh, attacks the audiences minds as a mystery. No one really knows what's going to happen, who killed who, who has the money, and most importantly- who's the real psycho. Furthermore, what I believe to be the most important aspect behind the plot and the overall techniques within the scenes is the suspense that comes with the powerful music and the "OH!!!" moments where everything seems to come together. The perplexing aspect throughout the film has your mind wondering, while also being scared. I believe Hitchcock did that with intention. Being the first film to really have any of these "scary movie" techniques, he set the stage. Inevitably, us as viewers, for the majority of the film, we are thinking that Norman's crazy mother is the one that killed Marion in the shower. We know Marion fled her town with the money she stole from her employer but Norman has no idea she has it. So why would his mother kill her? Because she's sick and doesn't know any better? Hitchcock paints that picture for us to believe that. Ultimately, it's revealed that it's been Norman all along and that he has a "split personality" and feels like he needs to be his mother half the time, then himself the other half of the time. We learn the details through Sam and Lila investigating the whole murder. As the characters find out the information of who killed Marion, so do we.  The mysterious aspect and the revealing of the details of the murder through the character's embodies the true value of this film. 

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