Sunday, March 2, 2014

Citizen Kane Response

After watching Citizen Kane, evidently us as viewers understand that the whole movie is centered around Charles Foster Kane, however different film techniques prove Charles Foster Kane's significance throughout the film. In the flashback scene to when Charles was a child, while Thatcher and his mother were in conversation, Charles always stays in focus while playing in the snow outside. He's obviously not in the house or involved in the conversation so it's understood that by use of the deep focus of Kane that the importance of him is confirmed. In a few other scenes, when reporters are investigating Kane's death, they are typically displayed in silhouettes. This shows that who those people are doesn't matter, they're just reporters. What really "matters" is the information given to them about Kane and their questions which are centered around Kane as well. In the scene where Charles was talking to his second wife, Susan, the low angle is facing down at her which shows she's not as important as him and that he controls the power. His reputation is honestly what is the most important. Overall, not only do all of these scenes signify the authority Kane has and the prestige he withholds, but the film techniques used enhance our understanding of his importance.

1 comment:

  1. Careful, it's the high angle looking down on Susan, not "the low angle...which shows she's not as important to him ans that he controls power."
