To me Fargo and No Country For Old
Men are the same film because the stories and backgrounds for the characters of
the movies are every similar to each other.
In both No Country for Old Men The sheriff says that he feels outmatched
by criminals and that he doesn’t stand much of a chance against them, you get
that same feel in Fargo because the Sherriff is a very pregnant lady and by
looking at her it seems that she is outmatched by the criminals. Also the
motives behind each film was because of money and Moss found 2 million dollars
that didn’t belong to him and he tried to take it from the bad guys also Jerry
Lundegaard motive for having his wife kidnapped was to gain movie so he could
pay people off. These movies both by the
Coen brothers seemed so similar that I wouldn’t be surprised if No country for
old men was also based off of Fargo.
can you discuss something other than plot? how about more on that theme of being "outmatched?" Bell never catches Chigur, nor can he save Moss or his wife. Sheriff Marge catches the bad guys...