Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Taxi Driver

I really like how it is a crime/vigilante film, but isn't very violent or gory at all. I thought it was interested how the camera zoomed in on Iris crying after Travis went into the apartment and shot everyone except her. It shows how she is still young, still innocent despite the fact she is a prostitute. It was interesting how right as the police pointed their gun at Travis as if they were about the shoot him, the camera zooms in on Travis placing his index finger against his temple gesturing the act of shooting himself, and that he wants to die. The scene cuts to a slow motion scene with slower-paced but intense music playing to dramatize what was being shown: a bird's eye view showing the blood, guns, and death of everyone. I thought it was interesting how the same jazz music was being played throughout the entire movie, but during that ending scene, there was a mash up of that jazz music and drum/harp music being played. During this scene, there was a shot showing the police at the scene, but no ambulances or anything else showing that at the time, 911 didn't exist and crime was an everyday thing. I liked how in the ending scene when Travis encounters Betsey when she gets in his cab, he shows he has changed and is over her. In the beginning of the movie he seemed practically obsessed with her and she showed no interested in him and ignored him. Now, he seems much more seiner and was humble about what he did for Iris. 

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