Friday, April 25, 2014


The Coen brothers seem to be somewhat inspired by Quentin Tarantino, director of well known films like the magnificent Pulp Fiction and the Kill Bills. They both have the sort of feel of Tarantino's films, especially the dialogue scenes. When characters have conversations in Tarantino's films, they feel real, as if the viewer is sitting there with them, observing it. There aren't a ton of cuts, and there aren't a ton of special camera angles. The conversations linger and even become awkward at times. They're ordinary. This kind of writing and directing is apparent in the Coen brothers' films. This combined with the folksyness of the Texans and Minnesotans creates a sort of captivating charm. Take any conversation in Fargo between Marge and Norm for instance. They have the most seemingly boring conversations, including one about painting stamps. The pace is slow and the accents are so cheesy. But somehow, it's interesting. A lot of such conversations in these films are for the purpose of character development rather than plot.

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