No Country for Old Men an old fashioned thriller with fascinating story telling. It only makes sense that this film comes from Joel and Ethan Coen, the filmmakers who brought Fargo twelve years ago before. No Country For Old Men is not only an adaptation of Fargo, but also a remake.
The characters in both films are almost exactly the same. In Fargo, Gaear and Carl are two criminals and in No Country for Old Men Anton Chirgurh is also a criminal (a hitman). The plots are very similar too, in Fargo, Jerry Lundegaard tries to find a way to pay off his debt and in No Country for Old Men Llewelyn Moss steals a satchel full of money. The protagonists are also similar, both Marge Gunderson from Fargo and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell from No Country for Old Men are both work in law enforcement. Through the crimes they investigate they both realize how society is not only immoral, but there also is a downfall of civilization.
I also noticed that in both movies there is a character who exhibits a sociopathic nature. In Fargo it is the one guy who never talks and in No Country for Old Men it is the serial killer.